Systems of linear equations: Systems of linear equations
Elementary operations on systems of linear equations
Solve the following system of equations with unknowns \(x\) and \(y\) via the row reduction method. \[ \lineqs{ -4 x-6 y &=& -10 \cr x+y &=& 6 \cr}\]
Enter the answer in the form \[ \lineqs{x=a\cr y=b\cr}\] or in the form \[x=a\land y=b\] with proper values of #a# and #b#.
You can enter the above system \[ \lineqs{ -4 x-6 y &=& -10 \cr x+y &=& 6 \cr}\] as a starting point for reduction to a solution or use herefore the following form \[ -4 x-6 y=-10 \land x+y=6 \]
Enter the answer in the form \[ \lineqs{x=a\cr y=b\cr}\] or in the form \[x=a\land y=b\] with proper values of #a# and #b#.
You can enter the above system \[ \lineqs{ -4 x-6 y &=& -10 \cr x+y &=& 6 \cr}\] as a starting point for reduction to a solution or use herefore the following form \[ -4 x-6 y=-10 \land x+y=6 \]
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