8. Testing for Differences in Means and Proportions: Independent Proportions Z-test
Confidence Interval for the Difference Between Two Independent Proportions
A simple random sample of size #54# is selected from Amsterdam residents, of which #X_1=26# have a Dutch museum card. Meanwhile, a simple random sample of size #52# is selected from Rotterdam residents, of which #X_2=28# have a Dutch museum card.
Construct a #90\%# confidence interval for the difference between the two population proportions #\pi_1 - \pi_2#. Round your answers to #3# decimal places.
Construct a #90\%# confidence interval for the difference between the two population proportions #\pi_1 - \pi_2#. Round your answers to #3# decimal places.
#CI_{(\pi_1 - \pi_2),\,90\%}=\,(##,\,\,\, ##)#
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