2. Association and Correlation: Practical 2
Data Exploration
Let's start by opening a new R-script (select from the top-menu in RStudio: File/New/R Script). This will open a blank document above the console. As you go along you can copy-paste code examples and enter your answers to exercises into this script. This is a good way to keep track of your code and be able to reuse it later. To run your code from your script put your cursor on the line (or select a code-block) to be executed and hit command+enter (Mac) or control+enter (PC).
Execute the following command in R to load the hybrid dataset:
If everything went well, an object hybrid should have been loaded in the global environment. You can check this in the upper-right pane of RStudio (in the Environment Tab).
Explore the dataset using the following functions that you have learned before (e.g. summary()
, str()
, head()
, class()
, dim()
, names()
How many observations does the dataset contain?
The dataset contains | observations |