Vectors: The notion of vector and vector space
Algebra with vectors in a plane
Equality Two vectors and in a geometric plane are equal to each other, , if they have the same length and direction.
Opposite The opposite of a vector is defined as the vector with the same length but having the opposite direction. We denote the opposite of vector as .
Scalar multiplication The product of a number with a vector is defined as the vector obtained from by scaling it relative to its initial point with a scale factor , provided that we first reverse the direction of the vector if . We write this product as .
So, is the vector whose
- length is times the length of , and
- direction is equal to that of if and equal to that of if .
We call a scalar multiple of or simply a multiple of . The (scaling) number with which we scale the vector is called a scalar. Usually we write
- instead of ;
- instead of ;
- instead of , and so on;
- and instead of , and so on.
All scalar multiples of a vector form together the span of , denoted as .
Below is an interactive figure that illustrates how scalar multiplication of a vector works. For reasons of clarity, we have drawn a blue colour representative of the scalar multiple that does not go through the origin. With the slider you can modify the scalar .
Sum and difference of vectors Two position vectors can be added and the result is again a position vector, namely the one obtained through the construction of a parallelogram:
Move and/or to observe how the sum of two position vectors can be determined.
The sum of two vectors and can also be obtained by laying and head-to-tail, as shown in the figure below:
Move and/or to see how adding vectors goes in this way. If one of the two vectors is a scalar multiple of the other, you can only use the second construction.
What remains is the definition of the sum of the zero vector with a vector as .
Instead of we usually write . This expression is called the difference of and ; we subtract from .