Linear mappings: Matrices and coordinate transformations
Similar matrices
Two square matrices and are similar if there exists an invertible matrix such that .
In the previous section we have actually seen the following theorem.
Two matrices represent the same linear mapping if and only if the matrices are similar.
When we solve a problem about a linear mapping we often try to find a 'pretty' matrix mapping corresponding with the given linear transformation. 'Pretty' means for example 'in diagonal form'.
Let be a matrix mapping corresponding with a linear mapping . Then is called diagonalisable if and only if there exists an invertible matrix such that is diagonal.
Not every linear mapping or matrix is diagonalisable. For example, is not diagonalisable. The following theorem gives an example of a class of matrices that are diagonalisable.
Every real symmetric matrix is diagonalisable.
Finally, we note that some functions applied to similar matrices yield same value; the determinant of a matrix is such a function:
Another function with this property is the trace of a matrix, denoted as and defined by
For the trace of a matrix, the following applies: