Ordinary differential equations: Separable differential equations
Exact solutions of an ODE with Python
Python has the package Symbolic Python
on board to do exact calculations. A few examples give an idea of how it works.
General solution We consider the differential equation Using the method of separation of variables, you can find a general solution for some constant . Python can also determine this solution through the dsolve
function in the sympy
>>> import sympy as sy # load the sympy package and use an acronym
>>> t = sy.symbols('t') # make a symbol t
>>> y = sy.Function('y') # make a symbolic function y
>>> ODE = sy.Eq(sy.Derivative(y(t),t), t*y(t)) # the ODE
>>> ysol = sy.dsolve(ODE, y(t)); ysol # determine the solution of the ODE
y(t) = C1*exp(t**2/2))
Initial Value Problem In the dsolve
command you also specify the initial value as an equation. We take as an example the initial value problem Using the method of separation of variables, you can find a general solution for some constant . From follows that . Python can also determine this solution via the dsolve
>>> import sympy as sy # load the sympy package and use an acronym
>>> sy.init_printing() # just for nicer display
>>> t = sy.symbols('t') # make a symbol t
>>> y = sy.Function('y') # make a symbolic function y >>> ODE = sy.Eq(sy.Derivative(y(t),t), y(t)**2) # the differential equation
>>> ysol= sy.dsolve(ODE, y(t), ics = {y(0):1}) # solve the initial value problem
>>> ysol
y(t) = -----
t - 1
>>> gensol = sy.dsolve(ODE, y(t)) # determine general solution >>> constant = sy.solve([gensol.rhs.subs(t,0)-1]) # determine the constant
>>> ysol = gensol.subs(constant); ysol
y(t) = -----
t - 1
ODE of order 2 The example is the initial value problem In the next section we will learn how to solve this problem, but the solution is In the program below, we have use an alternative to specify derivatives in the differential equation and the initial conditions
>>> import sympy as sy # load the sympy package and use an acronym
>>> sy.init_printing() # just for nicer display
>>> t = sy.symbols('t') # make a symbol t
>>> y = sy.Function('y') # make a symbolic function y
>>> ODE = sy.Eq(y(t).diff(t,2)-3*y(t).diff(t) + 2*y(t), 0); ODE
d d
2*y(t) - 3*--(y(t)) + ---(y(t)) = 0
dt 2
>>> ysol = sy.dsolve(ODE, y(t), ics = {y(0):-1, sy.diff(y(t),t).subs(t,0):-3}); ysol
2*t t
y(t) = - 2*e + e
>>> gensol = sy.dsolve(ODE, y(t)); genopl # the general solution
/ t\ t
y(t) = \C1 + C2*e /*e
>>> # define equations for initial values and solve them.
>>> constants = sy.solve([gensol.rhs.subs(t,0)+1, gensol.rhs.diff(t).subs(t,0)+3])
>>> ysol = gensol.subs(constants); ysol # substitution of the values found
/ t \ t
y(t) = \- 2*e + 1/*e
>>> sy.expand(ysol) # expand brackets and simplify
2*t t
y(t) = - 2*e + e
We continue this example to show how you can compute further with the symbolic solution in numerical sense. Substituting values of does not work straightforwardly because ysol
is a symbolic expression. Use lambdify
to construct a function from the symbolic expression for .
>>> yfun = sy.lambdify(t, yopl.rhs, "math")
>>> list(map(yfun, [0,1,2]))
[-1.0, -12.059830369402254, -101.80724396735783]