Ordinary differential equations: Slope field and solution curves with Matlab
Numerically solving a differential equation in MATLAB
In this section we have programmed the forward Euler method in MATLAB. But MATLAB itself has several solution methods for solving a differential equation numerically. The most commonly used solver is undoubtedly the 4th order, adaptive Runge-Kutta method RK45. We will use this in the two examples below.
ODE of order 1 We consider the differential equation and calculate numerically solution curves for initial values , , and . We draw the solution curves with a slope field in the background.
First, we create an M file, ode1.m, with the following contents.
function dydt = ode1(t,y)
% compute dydt = 1 - 2*t*y
dydt = 1 - 2*t.*y;
The only thing that this script does is to use values and to compute the derivative at the point . Hereafter, for a given time domain and several initial values, we can numerically solve the corresponding initial value problem.
>> clear
>> options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-5); % set accuracy
>> tdomain = [0,2];
>> y0 = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5]; % initial values
>> [t,y] = ode45('ode1', tdomain, y0, options);
>> % graphs of solutions can be drawn
>> plot(t, y(:,1), '-b', t, y(:,2), '-g', t, y(:,3), '-k', 'LineWidth', 3);
>> hold on
>> % add a slope field
>> [t,y] = meshgrid(0:0.1:2, 0:0.1:2);
>> dy = 1 - 2*t.*y;
>> dt = ones(size(dy));
>> L = sqrt(dt.^2 + dy.^2);
>> dyu = dy./L;
>> dtu = dt./L;
>> quiver(t, y, dtu, dyu, 0.5, 'r'), axis tight
>> xlabel 't', ylabel 'y';
>> title("Lijnelementenveld en oplossingskrommen bij y' = 1 - 2ty",'Color','Red')
Van der Pol equation As an example of numerically solving an ODE of order 2 we consider the van der Pol equation with . As an example, let's take the fairly large value of to show more clearly what is happening. We calculate numerically the solutions at initial values and at .
Because the numerical solution method ode45 only works for ordinary differential equations of order 1 or systems of 1st order differential equations, we first rewrite the van der Pol equation as a system of two coupled 1st order differential equations. Introduce then In short, the van der Pol equation corresponds with the following system of 1st order differential equations First, we therefore create an M-file, ode2.m, with the following contents.
function dydt = gdv2(t,y)
% van der Pol equation with epsilon = 1/2
dydt = [y(2); 2*(1-y(1)^2)*y(2)-y(1)];
Hereafter, for a given time domain and several initial values, we can numerically solve the corresponding initial value problem. The diagram below is obtained by the following code.
>> clear
>> options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-5); % set accuraccy
>> tdomain = [0,30];
>> figure
>> y0 = [0,-1]; % firis initial values
>> [t,y] = ode45('ode2', tdomain, y0, options);
>> plot(t,y(:,1),'-b')
>> hold on
>> y0 = [3,-1]; % second initial values
>> [t,y] = ode45('ode2', tdomain, y0, options);
>> plot(t,y(:,1),'-r')
>> xlabel 't', ylabel 'y';
>> title("Oplossingskrommen bij van der Pol vergelijking",'Color','Red')
In the graphs we see that after a while a periodic solution is created. This is in fact a limit cycle.