Ordinary differential equations: Second-order linear ODEs with constant coefficients
Homogeneous linear ODEs of order 2 with constant coefficients
A differential equation of the form
where , and are real constants with is called a homogeneous linear second-order differential equation with constant coefficients.
Show that and are solutions of the ODE
We have
Likewise we have
Likewise we have
Characteristic equation The general solution of the differential equation of the form
we get trying exponential fucntions as solutions. Suppose that
is a solution, then substitution in the ODE gives the equation
In other words, after dividing by ,
This is called the characteristic equation of the differential equation. Every root of this quadratic equation gives a solution .
The nature of the solutions is determined by the sign of the discriminant . If , we have two real roots. If we have one real root. Finally, if , we have complex roots. We will discuss the solutions of the differential equation for each of the three cases.
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