Ordinary differential equations: Second-order linear ODEs with constant coefficients
Homogeneous linear ODEs of order 2 with constant coefficients
A differential equation of the form \[a\frac{\dd^2y}{\dd t^2}+b\frac{\dd y}{\dd t}+c\,y=0\] where \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) are real constants with \(a\neq 0\) is called a homogeneous linear second-order differential equation with constant coefficients.
Likewise we have \[y_2=e^{-t},\qquad \frac{\dd y_2}{dt}= - e^{-t},\qquad \frac{\dd^2y_2}{\dd t^2}=e^{-t}\] So \[\frac{\dd^2y_2}{\dd t^2}-2\frac{\dd y_2}{\dd t}-3 y_2(t)= e^{-t} -2\times -e^{-t}-3 e^{-t} = e^{-t}(1+2-3)=0\]
Characteristic equation The general solution of the differential equation of the form \[a\frac{\dd^2y}{\dd t^2}+b\frac{\dd y}{\dd t}+c\,y=0\] we get trying exponential fucntions as solutions. Suppose that \[y(t)=e^{\lambda t}\] is a solution, then substitution in the ODE gives the equation \[a\,\lambda^2e^{\lambda t}+b\,\lambda e^{\lambda t}+c\, e^{\lambda t}=0\] In other words, after dividing by \(e^{\lambda t}\), \[a\,\lambda^2+b\,\lambda + c=0\] This is called the characteristic equation of the differential equation. Every root of this quadratic equation gives a solution \(e^{\lambda t}\).
The nature of the solutions is determined by the sign of the discriminant \(D=b^2-4ac\). If \(D>0\), we have two real roots. If \(D=0\) we have one real root. Finally, if \(D<0\), we have complex roots. We will discuss the solutions of the differential equation for each of the three cases.