Ordinary differential equations: Second-order linear ODEs with constant coefficients
Discriminant equal to zero
Characteristic equation with discriminant equal to zero We consider the homogeneous second-order linear differential equation with constant coefficients, written in the form The corresponding characteristic equation is
We restrict ourselves to the case where the discriminant is equal to zero. Then there is according to the abc-formula only one real root, namely The following function is a solution of differential equation But are there perhaps more solution? Yes! The general solution of the differential equation can be written as with constants and . These constants are determined by boundary conditions.
The discriminant of characteristic polynomial is equal to There is one root of the characteristic polynomial, namely If you had found the equality through factorization of a quadratic equation by inspection or a special product had recognized, then this conclusion would have been obvious .
Thus, the differential equation has the following general solution: with constants and .
Using the initial values we can define equations that and must satisfy. Substitution of in the general solution gives For the usage of the second initial value we need the derivative of the general solution; this can be computed with the calculation rules for differentiating and the derivative of the exponential function: Substitution of gives the equation So we must solve the following system of equations in the unknowns and : The solution of this system of equations is So the solution of the initial value problem is