Ordinary differential equations: Solving ODEs by an integrating factor
Linear ODEs of high order
Linear structure of linear ODEs in ordinary language
A linear differential equation of order is as follows: This equation is called homogeneous if there is no term that depends only on (and not of or one of its derivatives).
Now you want to find solutions to the non-homogeneous differential equation above. Suppose you (accidentally or by an educational guess) have found one solution (called a particular or specific solution of the ODE). Moreover, suppose that you have solved the homogeneous equation (so you deleted the term that depended only on and solved that equation); call this solution .
Then EVERY solution of the non-homogeneous differential equation can be written as . This helps tremendously! It means that you know the complete solution of a non-homogeneous ODE once you know one particular solution and know the general solution of the corresponding homogeneous differential equation
For the homogeneous differential equation, with no term that depends only on , the following is true:
- the constant function is a solution;
- if and are two solutions of the homogeneous ODE, then any linear combination of these two solutions is also a solution of the ODE. Thus, for any numbers and , and for any solutions and of the homogeneous ODE, the linear combination is a solution, too.
Linear structure of linear ODEs in mathematical language
Let and be continuous functions with such that is a linear differential equation of order is. This ODE is homogeneous if and only if
Suppose that is a solution of the non-homogeneous differential equation. Then any other solution can be written as , where is a solution of the corresponding homogeneous ODE, i.e., of the ODE with replaced by .
We call a particular solution or a specific solution of the ODE.
If , then the set of solutions is linear in the following sense:
- the constant function is a solution;
- if and are real numbers, and if and are solutions of the corresponding homogeneous ODE, then is a solution, too.