Fourier series: The Fourier series of an arbitrary function
The frequency-amplitude spectrum
We consider the periodic continuation of a 'neat' function on the interval and approximate it with the Fourier series:
The Fourier coefficients and (with ) both describe a trigonometric contribution with the same frequency : The only difference is that is a cosine contribution, whereas is a sine contribution. This cosine can be regarded as a shifted sine. After all, . The total contribution of the terms to the frequency is . Also, this sum can be written as a shifted sine: for given and there exist numbers and such that
The coefficient is called the amplitude of the frequency in the function . The shift is given by the phase angle . The following applies to the amplitude:
The sequence is called an amplitude spectrum. The bar graph of the function is called the frequency-amplitude spectrum of the function . In this spectrum, we always represent the coefficients ; only in the case of a Fourier sine series (or Fourier cosine series) we have (or ).
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