Functions of several variables: Partial derivatives
Chain rules
First, we look at the chain rule for differentiating functions of one variable.
Chain rule for differentiating a function of one variable We consider the function
We now discuss chain rules for differentiating functions of two variables.
First version of the chain rule If is a differentiable function of two variables, and and are differentiable functions of , then is a function of and
More generally, the following rule also is true.
Second version of the chain rule If is a differentiable function of two variables, and and are differentiable functions of two variables and , then is a function of and , and
An important application of the second chain rule is the conversion from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates via the definitions .
Example of polar coordinates Consider the function
The definition of the function is simpler in polar coordinates :
You can formulate the chain rule when you use polar coordinates in the follwoing way:
Chain rule for polar coordinates If then
For functions of more than two variables one can derive similar chain rules for differentiation. For example, the following rule holds for functions of three variables.
Chain rule for functions of three variables If is a differentiable function of three variables, and if , and are differentiable functions , then is a function of and