Functions of several variables: Critical points
Critical points
A differentiable function has a critical point at if the gradient at that point is the zero vector. This means that all first partial derivatives at this point are zero, and the tangent plane of the graph if at the stationary point is horizontal.
Ciritcal points can be found by solving the following system of equations:
Find the critical point for the surface ?
The first partial derivatives are The critical points are the solutions of the following system of equations: There is only one solution: and substitution in the first equation gives and thus .
There is one critical point: .
There is one critical point: .
Find the critical points of the function The first partial derivatives are The critical points are the solutions of the following system of equations We divide this problem into subproblems by factorizing the left-hand sides of the equations: We can obviously get each and equal to zero in two ways. Combination of the possibilities leads to four solutions:
There are four criticial points: , , and .
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