Functions of several variables: Critical points
Maximum, minimum, and saddle point
Below is the surface graph of the function
This function has first partial derivatives:
Similar to the case of functions of one variable, it also holds for differentiable functions of two variables that being a critical point is a necessary but not sufficient condition for a point to be a maximum or minimum. We give a counterexample.
Below is the surface graph of the function
This function has first partial derivatives:
More generally, we say that the differentiable function has a saddle point if it is a critical point, but always points can be found near that point such that as well as points such that . Loosely put, a saddle point is the two-dimensional analogue of an inflection point of a function of one variable.
Up to now, critical points were always one or more disjoint points. But this need not always be the case. Consider, for example, the function