Complex numbers: The complex plane
Complex numbers on the unit circle
Recall that the unit circle is defined as the circle with radius and origin as center. We will now consider complex numbers lying in the complex plane on the unit circle.
Each point on the unit circle has coordinates that can be written as , where is the oriented angle of the radial line (the connecting line of the point with the origin) to the positive axis. Here we use radians, and the angle is uniquely determined up to an integer multiple of .
Written as a complex number, a point on the unit circle can always be written in the form
Note that indeed for such a number holds
Argument The angle of the complex number is called the argument of and is dentoed as . The argument is unique up to integer multiples of . You can for any complex number find a unique angle in the interval . This value, greater than and less than or equal to , is called the principal value of the argument of and we write .

With the calculation rules for trigonometric functions we can now figure out how multiplication of two complex numbers on the unit circle yields a new complex number on the unit circle and derive a formula for this product.
The product of two numbers and on the unit circle is another number on the unit circle, and thatis the number whose argument is equal to the sum of the arguments of and .
In symbolic language:
For the quotient of complex numbers on the unit circle holds:
The quotient of two numbers on the unit circle is another number on the unit circle, and thatis the number whose argument is equal to the difference of the arguments of and .
In symbolic language: