Complex numbers: Complex functions
Complex linear functions
Real functions you have probably seen many times. But you can also study complex functions. A complex function is a mapping that connects a new complex number to each complex number according to some function rule. Thus, it is also to be regarded as a mapping that links a new point to a point in the complex plane. We consider in this section complex linear functions.
A simple example of a complex function is the function The below dynamic figure shows the effect on points in the complex plane; the red draggable point is the original and the green point is the image under the given function . For clarity, we have also drawn the vector corresponding to the complex number and the same vector shifted such that the starting point coincides with the red dot. It should be clear that the function trnaslates points in the complex plane via the vector that is associated with the complex number . The translation vector is here equal to .
In general:
Translation in a plane as a complex function The complex cunction with real numbers and corresponds with a translation in the complex plane with translation vector .
Scaling in a plane as a complex function The complex function with a real number corrsponds with scaling with respect to the origin by a factor of .
In general:
Scaling-rotation-translation in a plane as a complex function The complex function with real numbers , , and corresponds with transformation which consists of the rotation about the origin by the angle and the multiplication with respect to the origin by a factor of , followed by the translation with the translation vector .
Above we discussed how a complex linear function, that is a complex function of the form with complex numbers and and variable can be interpreted geometricly in the complex plane. For more complicated complex function a geometric interpretation is difficult, as examples of other complex functions in the remainder of this chapter will illustrate.