Complex numbers: Roots and polynomials
Complex square roots
We already know that the complex square function exists and that the equation has the complex solutions . We opted to equate with the imaginary unit . The imaginary unit corresponds to the point in the complex plane and has absolute value and principal argument . In other words, is the principal value of . But can one also extract the square root of a complex number? For example, can one determine ? We answer this question as an example of the general case.
Example of extraction of a complex square root Suppose We want to solve the equation in the set of complex numbers. For this, we first write in polar form: because it follows from the special trigonometric function values that for integers . Note that we use all possible arguments of in the calculation.
We also write in polar form, say Then De Moivre's formula (o,r if you prefer, the product rule for imaginary power of ) yields So we must find real numbers and in the interval such that Without the restriction of to the interval we find integers . The solutions within the restriction of are therefore: In polar form we have found complex solutions of the equation : As principal value of we select the first solution.
The general case is similar.
The complex square root For any complex number we can define the complex square root in polar form: In terms of the complex exponential function and complex logarithm we can simply define the complex square root function as
So, if , with and , then the principal value of is equal to .