Systems of differential equations: Linear systems of differential equations
A qualitative phase portrait
We are going to see how we can use mathematical software to draw a phase portrait and solution curves. But you can also perform a qualitative analysis in which you just roughly outline in what direction a solution curve would go at a point in the phase plane.
As an example we consider the system First you look at the -nullclines and -nullclines, that is, at the points in the - plane where or , respectively . This isoclines are straight lines: These straight lines separates the phase plane into areas in which solution curves go qualitatively in a different direction: for instance, in this example, curves move to the right on the left-hand side of the -nullclines and curves move to the left on the right-hand side of the -nullclines ; curves above the -nullclines go downward and curves below the -nullclines go upward . This is what you see in the computer-generated phase portrait below, in which the red line forms the-nullcline and the green line forms the -nullcline.
In the diagram below, we have again drawn the nullclines, but no solution curves. Instead, we just indicated with arrows the directions in which a solution curve at a point would go in terms of change in and . The resultant vectors would give the direction field.
Let us look in more detail at the above diagram with separate - and directions, and not at resultant vectors. Then we can distinguish four cases.
The four cases are:
- and increase both
- decreases and increases
- increases and decreases
- and decrease both
The first two cases I and II are separated by the -nullcline and the cases I and III are separated by the -nullcline. But the -nullcline also separates cases III and IV. Similarly, the -nullcline also separates cases II and IV.
In addition it is true that the direction on the line of the -nullcline is vertical, and on the line of the -nullcline is horizontal.
Finally we note that currently all directions in the diagram point toward the equilibrium : so, all solutions go towards the origin. In other words is an attracting equilibrium in this example.