Consider the vector quantity of which the change in time is given by the equation with matrix
Write the equation as a system of two linear differential equations.
What is the formula for the solution at any time ?
What are successively , and when ?
What are the answers to task (c) when ?
- What are the answers to task (c) when ?
The time profile of and is fixed for a given . The relationship between and can be graphically represented by a curve in the - plane (You may also say "in the - plane").
Give the general equation of the curves for an arbitrary choice of .
- with constants and .
- means that en .
Substitution in the general solution (b) gives and , and thus .
Then: .
- means that and .
Substitution in the general solution (b) gives and ,
and thus .
Then: .
- means that and .
Substitution in the general solution (b) gives and ,
and thus .
Then: .
- means that en .
Substitution in the general solution (b) gives: en .
Thus: .
The above formula is the parameter representation of the general solution.
This solution satisfies the following equation: .
Thus, any solution satisfies for some constant .
This is illustrated in the phase portrait below.

Consider the vector quantity of which the change in time is given by the equation with matrix
Calculate the eigenvalues and vectors of .
What is the formula for the solution at any time ?
What are successively , and when ?
What are the answers to task (c) when ?
- What are the answers to task (c) when ?
- What are the answers to task (c) when ?
Give a qualitative description of the general solution:
- How do the solution curves look like? Give a sketch.
- What is the nature of the equilibrium .
- The characteristic polynomial of is because of its upper triangular shape
equal to
The eigenvalues of are zeros of the characteristic polynomial: and .
Let be an eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue :
Thus: and an eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue is .
Let be an eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue :
So: can be freely chosen and then , i.e. .
An eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue (with integral coefficients) is .
- The general solution is for certain constants and .
- means and .
Substitution in the general solution (b) gives and ,
and thus .
Then: .
- When then .
Substitution in the general solution (b) gives and ,
and thus .
Then: .
- is close to .
Because not exactly equal to the solution curve deviates,
but stays in the beginning (and in the past) nearby.
The deviation from with : In the general solution (b) we have and i.e. Then:
- is close to .
Because the solution curve deviates,
but stays in the beginning (and in the past) nearby.
The deviation from with : In the general solution (b) we have and i.e. Then:
- is an equilibrium.
A solution to the line moves toward the equilibrium
A solution curve that starts close to the line moves away from the equilibrium.
A solution curve that starts close to the line moves away from it and
goes to a horizontal axis.
The equilibrium is a saddle point.
This is also illustrated in the phase portrait below.
Each solution satisfies the equation for some constant .