Systems of differential equations: Linear systems of differential equations
One real eigenvalue
We consider the situation that the () matrix corresponding with the system has one real eigenvalue . Two cases can be distinguished:
- The eigenspace is two-dimensional, that is, there are two eigenvectors that are not multiples of each other.
- The eigenspace is one-dimensional, that is, eigenvectors are aligned.
The stability of the equilibrium is different in each of these two cases. We always give an example.
Twee-dimensionale eigenruimte Let be an eigenvalue with corresponding eigenvectors and that are not multiples of each other. In this case is a repelling or attracting equilibrium depending on whether the eigenvalue is positive or negative, respectively.
As an example we consider the system Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of are The solution is where and are chosen so that . Trajectories are straight lines moving in the direction of the origin, as the following phase portrait illustrates.
One-dimensional eigenspace Let be an eigenvalue with corresponding eigenvector . The following method still leads to two types of solutions. As a matter of fact, there also exists a vector such that . The vectors are called generalised eigenvectors of . From the properties of follows (check!) that is a solution, too. The general solution is in this case given by In this case is a repelling or attracting equilibrium depending on whether the eigenvalue is positive or negative, respectively.
As a first example we consider the system Eigenvalue and eigenvector of is A generalised eigenvector, i.e., a solution of is Thus the general solution is where and are chosen so that . The trajectories are curves which go in the direction of the origin, as the following phase portrait illustrates. The equilibrium is attracting.
As a second example we consider the system Eigenvalue and eigenvector of is A generalised eigenvector, i.e., a solution of is Thus the genera solution is where and are chosen so that . The trajectories are curves which go away from the origin, as the following phase portrait illustrates. The equilibrium is repelling.