Gene regulation: Introduction
Gene expression with an inactivating transcription factor
In the last example, we have treated an activating transcription factor and this works as a catalyst for the formation of protein. But protein formation can be suppressed by a regulatory protein. We then speak of repression or inhibition. In this section we discuss a simple model to examine the kinetics of inhibition.
Activation of transcription To emphasize the contrast with a catalytic effect of a transcription factor we first have another look at this type of reaction. When we skip the intermediate step of the formation of mRNA, we can also write the reaction scheme as follows:
Inhibition of transcription In inhibition of protein formation by a transcription factor R can the reaction scheme be written as follows:
Note The final formula for the reaction rate of protein formation at inhibition with a regulatory protein R corresponds to Formula 8-7A for the rate of formation of the protein X in Alberts et al. (2015, 6th ed., p. 515) when you use the following substitutions in the formulas of the book: .