Differentials and integrals: Integration techniques
Integration by parts
In the last example of the substitution method for integration we pulled a trick to calculate the primitive of . The method of integration by parts, also known as partial integration, had also done the job. This method is based on the product rule for differentiation, which is formulated in terms of differentials as
Integration by parts
If and , and thus and , then the above integration rule could also be written in the following way:
Integration by parts in terms of differentials
Calculate the following integral via integration by parts:
Take . Then and for we may choose because the constant of integration does not matter at this stage.
Then the following reasoning is valid:
Calculate the following integral via integration by parts:
There are four choices for and :
The first three choices lead to integrals which we do not know how to calculate.
Choice 1: this leads to nothing, because then we must just be able calculate the requested integral.
Choice 2: Then and , and so this leads to the integral . It gets more problematic.
Choice 3: Then and , and so this leads to the integral . We still did not get closer to a solution. That only happens in choice 4.
Choice 4: Then and (the constant of integration can be set to 0). According to the rule for integration by parts we find
A few more examples will help you understand integration by parts.
If and , then and .
Via integration by parts we get:
Sometimes you must repeatedly apply the rule for partial integration. We give examples:
If and , then and .
Via the rule for integration by parts we get:
Of course you may include the integration bounds in the calculation. A single example will suffice.
Calculate the following integral via integration by parts:
The calculation goes as follows:
Mathcentre video
Integration by Parts (26:12)