Parametric curves: Plane curves
Plane curves
The circle on the right-hand side , with the origin as centre and with radius , consists of all points such that .
But the points on the circle can also be described by a parametric curve, for which we specify the points on the curve via the coordinate functions and . We speak of coordinate functions because the coordinates and are functions of the variable . As increases from to , the point moves counter clockwise along the circle.
In the interactive diagram below the figure you can move the point by dragging the slider between and ; the turquoise arc indicates the path along which the point travels from to .
In general, you can describe a plane curve mathematically by two functions and describe a curve in the plane; we speak of a parameterisation or parameter equations of the curve with parameter . Almost always one uses neat functions and as coordinate functions. The parameter represents time in many applications.
The parameterisation of a curve is not unique: the following example illustrates a new parameterisation of the circle with origin as centre and with radius .
parameterisations of a circle Parameter equations of the circle with the origin as centre and with radius is:
Yet another parameterisation of the circle is:
A fourth parameterisation of the circle, but now without the point , uses rational functions as a coordinate functions: