Limits part 2: Functions: All kinds of limits
Limits at infinity
Just as one can study the long-term behaviour of sequences, one can also do that for functions. For example, the following holds: The precise definition is:
The limit at infinity of a function is if for every number there exists a number such that if , then .
This is denoted by . Compare this with the definition of a limit of a sequence:
The limit of a sequence is if for every number there is a number such that if , then .
There is a subtle difference between these two definitions: in the definition of must for all real numbers hold that and in the definition of we consider only natural numbers . In the following example, this difference is emphasized:
Consider the function The period of this function is , so: . Thus, when we look at the sequence , we see that all . So , but the limit does not exist because the function oscillates between and .
Similarly, we define .
The limit at minus infinity of a function is if for every number there exists a number such that if then .