Unlimited growth: Exponential growth
COVID-19, exponential growth and R0
After the lockdown period due to the COVID-19 virus, we will try to link the theory to the mathematical modelling of disease spreading during the outbreak. We start with the famous -value that you have heard so much about in the news.
First a few notations: let us assume that the number of patients with COVID-19 at time is denoted with . At the beginning of an epidemic, the number of patients often increases exponentially, because almost everyone is susceptible (you will learn more about why this is in weeks 4-8). So the number of patients is given by
where is the number of patients at time . The growth factor is related to , the basic reproduction number, however, it is not the same (to be precise: is the number of others a person infects over the total course of his or her contagious period, whereas is the number of others a person infects per unit of time). However, for simplicity, we will now assume the two are the same (so basically we are assuming an infected person always stays contagious). The growth rate of the disease denotes how fast the number of infected persons grows over time.
Question 1 How are the growth rate and the growth factor related?
Question 2 Now, if you want to prevent or stop an epidemic, what you want to do is to make sure that the number of patients decreases over time. This happens, when every patient infects less than 1 other person and people naturally heal over time, so if . So what will the growth rate have to be?
The number can be modelled as follows:
where is the amount of time a person is contagious, is the number of people per unit of time a person meets, is the probability that during this meeting, the other person is infected and is the fraction of the population that is susceptible to the virus. Of course there are many assumptions here (that everyone is the same: has the same number and type of contacts, everyone is equally susceptible, simple exponential growth dynamics, etc).
Question 3
Now suppose a vaccine is developed, so that the people that are vaccinated cannot be infected by the virus. Suppose a fraction of the population is vaccinated. How large does have to be for the epidemic to stop?