Functions and graphs: Data and graphs
Data graphs
Measurement data is often collected about observable phenomena, sometimes by conducting an experiment and sometimes by measurements in nature. These measurement results are often put in a table in which simultaneous measurements of physical quantities are listed row by row. Each measurement of two quantities in such a table, say for the quantity and for the quantity , can be seen as a couple and understood as the point in the plane with horizontal axis belonging to and vertical axis belonging at . If there are several points, a scatter plot of plotted against is constructed. Also, successive points are often interconnected with a straight line segment to get a line graph.
You can do the same with a function with a given function rule. Each number is associated with a function value determined by . If you see the and as a couple , you can also see this as a point in the - plane. If you draw several points and connect consecutive points with increasing values of by straight segments (or even more daringly by curved segments) you get the graph of the function .
Tide at Vlissingen on May 21, 2006 Below you see the measured water levels at Vlissingen on May 21, 2006 from midnight and with time intervals of two hours.
In a line graph of the data, you draw straight lines between the data points:
At few measuring points the line graph is angular, but at time intervals of half an hour this graph becomes smoother:
In the figure below, the graph of the relation
You can describe the course of the graph of the function with words such as rising, falling, maximum and minimum. For example, on May 21, 2006, the highest water level in Vlissingen was reached at high tide at around ten o'clock in the morning and ten o'clock in the evening.