Basic functions: Rational functions
Greatest common divisor and least common multiple of polynomials
Discussing division with remainder for polynomials and long division of polynomials, we have already pointed out the analogy with these operations for integers. This raises the question whether this also holds for the greatest common divisor of polynomials by analogy with gcd of integers. The answer is yes and even Euclid's algorithm for computing the gcd has its equivalent algorithm for polynomials!
A polynomial is a divisor of the polynomial if there exists a polynomial such that .
In other words, if a divisor of the polynomial , then is a multiple of .
Greatest common divisor
For polynomials and we call a polynomial that is both a divisor of and a common divisor of and .
If and are both unequal to the zero polynomial, then a common divisor with the highet degree is called a greatest common divisor.
The greatest common divisor is unique up to a nonzero scalar. If you make the leading coefficient equal to by scalar multiplication, that is, make it a monic polynomial, them the greatest common divisor of polynomials is unique and is denoted by gcd.
Two polynomials are said to be relativcely prime if they have only as a common divisor, i.e., if their gcd is equal to .
From follows that and
The polynomials and relatively prime because their factorised forms have no factor in common.
Least cCommon multiple For polynomials and we call the monic polynomial with the least degree that is a multiple of both polynomials the least common multiple which we denote as .
Calculation rules for gcd and lcm Let and ne polynomials in one variable,
- .
- where is the head coefficient of
- If is a common divisor of and then .
- If , i.e, if division of by give the remainder, then .
- If is a common divisor of and with leading coefficient equal to , then .
- .
The Euclidean algorithm Let and two be polynomials in one variable with (if the ordering relation is not satisfied, just swap the two polynomials). The gcd of and can now be calculated as follows:
- Calculate the remainder of when dividing by .
- Replace with and with .
- Repeat the previous steps until equals .
- The last value of is equal to .
Note: You can enter intermediate results in the answer field in the form of and gradually work through the algorithm towards the final answer.
The Euclidean algorithm goes as follows: