Exponential functions and logarithms: Exponential functions
You encounter exponential functions again and again in mathematical models of change: obviously - nomen est omen - in models of exponential growth and limited exponential growth, but also in models of logistic growth. We will study this use of exponential functions in mathematical models of growth in a later chapter, after we have gained more knowledge about these functions. Below we look at some other applications.
Quantitative pharmacokinetics An area of application is quantitative pharmacokinetics. For example, the course of the plasma concentration of an orally administered drug in the course of time is often described mathematically by a bi-exponential function, with a term of absorption and one of elimination of the drug. The formula is
Two examples of the use of the exponential function in the field of psychobiology and neuroscience:
Retention of information Hermann Ebbinghaus was one of the first psychologists who conducted quantitative research on memory. He discovered that newly learned things could be first reproduced completely, but less after some time passes. He postulated a mathematical formula for the probability that information is remembered after a certain time, the retention function , by using the logarithm. However, the following exponential formula for this probability is more popular:
Firing of an excitable cell A Poisson process is a simple model for firing of an excitable cell (generation of an action potential). In this model, the probability that a cell fires times in a time span is given by the density
Finally, two examples of an exponential relationship in chemistry, and more particularly in chemical kinetics:
Arrhenius equation The reaction rate constant for a chemical reaction often depends exponentially on the temperature via the Arrhenius equation
Chemical kinetics We consider two successive chemical reactions of type
The concentrations of each substance can be calculated exacly, given the initial concentrations , , . We examine the case :
We provide a simulation to explore the successive reaction. For example, verify that if the concentration of substance B remains low because B is rapidly converted into C, and that the kinetics differs little from that of . In contrast, implies that a high concentration of substance B is achieved because the second reaction is slow, and that substance B only starts to disappears when there is almost no substance A left for conversion.