Exponential functions and logarithms: Exponential functions
Equations and inequalities with exponential functions that have the same base
You can solve the equation because the two powers with the same base can only be equal if their exponents are equal. In this example we therefore have , i.e., . Factorisation gives and the three solutions , , and . This approach works for any equation of the form .
An equation with exponential functions that have the same base When solving the exponential equations of the form , where and are arbitrary numbers or mathematical expressions, we use the follwing rule:
However, the above rule is not always immediately applicable; see the examples below.
So: .
The solution of this equation is: .
An inequality with exponential functions that have the same base When solving exponential inequalities of the form or , with and arbitrary numbers or mathematical expressions, the result depends on the value of and we can use the following rules:
You solve the inequality by first solving the equation
First note that en dat . So we must first solve the equation
The left-hand side of original inequality is a decreasing function and it follows that the solution of the inequality