Numerical differentiation: Difference formulas for the second derivative
General difference formulas for the second derivative
The general approach for different grid points , which differ by a multiple of step size , is to find coefficients such that the expression
approximates the second derivative with the largest possible order of the truncation error. We find the coefficients by developing each into a Taylor polynomial about with sufficiently high degree and by constructing and solving equations for the unknown 's.
The 3-point central formula We take 3 grid points , and . We define the formula
and determine the Taylor approximation of . We know that
The equations that must satisfy in order to maximise the order of the error in are
These equations are easy to solve:
So we have now found
This is equal to the earlier found central difference formula for the second derivative. It can be verified that the truncation error is of the order of .
One-sided 3-point formulas Left-sided 3-point difference formula:
Right-sided 3-point difference formula:
These one-sided 3-point difference formulas are useful to approximate second derivatives at the edges of a finite discrete signal.
We take 3 grid points , and . We define the formula
and determine the Taylor approximation of . We know that
The equations that must satisfy in order to maximise the order of the error in are
These equations are easy to solve:
So now we have found
This is a left sided 3 point difference formula. Similarly, you can also find the right-tailed 3-point difference formula:
Central 5-point difference
The truncation error is generally smaller than with the central 3-point difference formula.
We take 5 grid points , , , and . We define the formula
and determine the Taylor approximation of . There is
and therefore
The equations that must satisfy in order to maximise the order of the error in are
These equations are relatively easy to solve:
So we have found that
This is the 5-point central difference formula.
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