Iteration of functions: Iteration of functions and fixed points
Héron's method (programming assignment)
Héron of Alexandria, an Egyptian mathematician from the first century AD, devised the following iterative method to accurately approximate the number . The idea is that a square of side an area of and you can repeatedly make rectangles of area that increasingly resemble a square; see the figure below and the description of the construction.
We start with a rectangle of width and length . The following rectangle is created by taking the average width of the two sides of the first one: . In order for the area of the rectangle to be formed to be equal to two, we need to take for the length. In numbers: . You can repeat this procedure: the subsequent rectangle has width and length . The sequence converges to . You can easily prove that the value of depends on that of in the following way: . In other words, is a fixed point of the function
- Write a computer program that calculates the sequence of numbers resulting from function iteration with the function and starting value .
- Let the relative truncation error after iterations, i.e., It can be shown that the following relationship holds between two successive relative truncation errors:It is therefore plausible that for sufficiently large values ofSo there is quadratic convergence in Héron's method. This means that for large the number of correct decimal places in the approximation doubles with each iteration step. The latter relation can also be converted toFrom this it can be deduced that for sufficiently large values ofUse this formula and a calculator to estimate how many iterations are needed to get an approximation of to 14 decimal places from a starting value of accurate.
Modify your computer program to experimentally verify the estimation.