Linear Algebra: Linear Algebra
Vector spaces
Informal definition
First, let’s denote a vector by a bold letter . The easiest way to visualize a vector is to associate it with something familiar. For example, imagine you live on a flat Earth and you’re on a hike and you wish to send your friends your location. You could, for example, represent your location as a 3D vector: In this notation, en are your initial longitude/latitude offset from the bottom of the mountain (the amount you moved west/east and south/north), while might represent your altitude. You continue your hike, change your longitude/latitude by and and climb up byto reach the peak. Then, your new coordinates are: In other words, your new coordinates are simply a sum of the two offsets. Notice that the sum of two independent offsets produced a new location which also represents a valid location.
Now, imagine you’re going on the same hike, but this time the mountain grew in size by a factor of , and you wish to come to the same peak as last time. Intuitively, we can deduce that the you will have to move further by a factor of in each direction, so the total offset
will be given by: This tells us that even if we multiply our offsets by a number , we can still represent a valid location.
This was a very specific example to aid the visualization of certain properties that define a vector space, which we will soon define. If we think of a vector as an abstract object which doesn’t correspond to anything visualizable, then the above-mentioned properties can be thought as the following. First, we want the sum of two vectors to also be vector from the same space. Second, if we scale a given vector, we wish that the scaled version is also a part of the same vector space.
Formal definition
We shall now introduce a formal definition of a vector space.
A vector space over a field is a set with two binary operations:
- Vector addition assigns to any two vectors and in a third vector in which is denoted by .
- Scalar multiplication assigns to any scalar in and any vector in a new vector in which is denoted by .
Vector spaces also have to satisfy 8 axioms, most of them are trivial and intuitive (these can be found on e.g. wikipedia).
Summary Vectors are objects that live in a vector space. It is important to note that a vector space is a space defined by only two operations with objects: how to add objects and how to scale them. If we know how to do that, we call that space a vector space. In further sections, we will explore other ways to utilize and transform vectors besides the addition of vectors and multiplication by a scalar.