Statistics: Statistics *
Basic Probability Theory
Basics: Random variables and probabilities
To study machine learning well, we need to develop a mathematical language to deal with collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. This is what we commonly understand to be ‘statistics’, which is our major topic of study in this section. However, before we can deep dive into statistics we need to study the mathematical foundations of statistics briefly. Most importantly, we need to look at probability theory, which is what we will do in this theory page!
Probability theory is a special type of mathematics that can handle the uncertainty of events. Even though this area of mathematics is very, very vast, we will mainly focus on what very useful object in probability theory: the random variable. Suppose we have a streaming site, and the event of interest we want to represent is the rating some user will give for a new movie just uploaded to the site. Let us denote this variable as for rating. We assume the user can rate the movie on a 5 star scale, i.e. they can give it exactly the values 1 up to 5. For example, we can understand as the situation that the rating given is one star, and so on. Because we do not yet know what the rating is beforehand, its outcome is uncertain for us. To quantify this uncertainty, we use probabilities. We call a random variable.
What does it mean for the probability of some event to be ? You might intuitively understand the probability of a die (that is, half a pair of dice) ending up on a face with dots as because if you would roll that die a certain number of times, you would expect it landed on a roughly a th of the times. That is, a probability would tell you how frequently some event occurs. Even though this intuition is nice when first learning about probabilities, this understanding of probabilities is quite restrictive. For instance, when we are interested in the probability of you becoming a great academic, there is no way to interpret that probability as a frequency. But still, if one says that the probability of you becoming a great academic is instead of after studying this site (sadly not an actual statistic), that does tell you something about the degree of belief in you becoming a great academic after reading this site. It turns out that this second interpretation of probability theory is more useful in deep learning, even though this exact question is a large philosophical debate called ‘frequentist versus Bayesian interpretation of probability’.
For now, two properties are very important when considering a random variable. If we consider the set of all outcomes, we assume that
- The probability of each outcome lies somewhere in the interval , that is each probability is at least and at most .
- If we sum over the probabilities of all the outcomes, the total should add up to be exactly .
For example, suppose we are optimistic and assign a probability of to the rating of the user being 5 stars, and assign a probability of to all other outcomes, this would define a valid random variable. We call the function that assigns the probability to each outcome a probability mass function (or: pmf). Often, we write or for the pmf of random variable , so in this case .
Often, we denote ‘the probability’ with the symbol , and denote the set of all outcomes as . Hence, for some random variable, . the above equations can be formalized as
- for all .
- .
Continuous case
There is one subtlety: if the outcomes do not come from a discrete set but rather from a continuous set, we need a slightly more exotic way to assign probabilities. In short, if we would again assign a probability greater than to all outcomes, the fact that are are so many outcomes will imply that the total integral (the continuous counterpart of a sum) will not be equal to . This implies that most of the outcomes must have a probability of , i.e. for most we have when is a continuous random variable.
But what if we want to compute values for our random variable? Suppose the outcomes of our event are the entire number line, and is some function over this interval (if you want, picture a normal distribution if you are familiar with this already). We can mimic the idea of probability mass functions, but rather than assigning the probability to each point directly, we can associate the area under the curve between two points as the probability our observation will lie between those two points. To obey the same rules as mentioned above, we just assume that 1) the total area under the curve is again , i.e. that and 2) that for all we have .
When associating the area with probability, we can now also ask that the probability is that by just integrating overall outcome greater than zero or equal to: In the continuous case, we call this function a probability density function (or: pdf), rather than a pmf.
Basics: Distributions and queries
In general, we might be interested in multiple variables. Suppose we also care about a new random variable with denotes ‘whether a person is happy’. In this case, denotes the probability that the customer is unhappy, and denotes the probability that the customer is happy. In this case, we assume that the customer is either happy or unhappy, so there is no third option. This now gives us a lot of different outcomes if we want to model both and (with its 5 star scale) simultaneously since we could in theory have a probability for the combination of outcomes and happiness scores, giving a total of different probabilities. The notation does not change much, e.g. if we consider the probability that someone gives a five-star rating and is happy to be , we write . We call a distribution over multiple random variables a joint distribution.
Exercise Suppose we have random variables with possible outcomes . Explain why in general the joint distribution has parameters. What problems could this cause when trying to learn this joint distribution?
The beauty of a joint distribution is that we derive any information we might want to know of the individual random variables it describes. For example, given the joint distribution above, we might ask either of the following two things:
- What if I do not care about the specific rating of a user, but rather care whether or not their happy?
- How do I find the probability that someone will rate a move five stars if I know they are unhappy?
These questions about our variables of interest are sometimes also called queries.
In general, we differentiate two different questions:
- Marginal probabilities. In this case, we are interested in the outcomes of a strict subset of our variables. The first question in the previous section is an example of such a query. Formally, we ask how to get from to , for some .
- Conditional probabilities. In this case, we are interested in the outcome of some of our variables if we already know the outcome of the rest. This query corresponds to the second question in the previous section. We denote the probability of
given the outcome that as , but this notation will be made formal in the next theory page where we also study how to calculate these probabilities.
Summary In this theory page, you have seen how to formalize uncertain events and you cover the most basic queries one can ask based on the joint distribution we have of our events.