Statistics: Statistics *
Poisson Distribution
One of the key objects we look at in statistics is distribution. Suppose we have some random variable which has support , i.e. we have probabilities for outcomes , , , and so on. We can visualize the probability of the outcomes of the events using the probability mass function, which simply ‘plots’ the probability values of each outcome as seen before. For example, our random variable could look something like this (we choose a geometric distribution for some fixed probability ):
This pmf gives us something we call a distribution, it quite literately tells how the different probability values are distributed over the outcomes of . Now, the neat thing of statistics is that we can classify different random variables as being of the same type of distribution. It so turns out that in the actual world, a lot of processes tend to follow only a very select set of distributions. For example, the number of visits on this website per hour, the number of arrivals at the university per minute, and the number of books handed out by the library per day, all follow a so-called Poisson distribution. Similarly, the height of a given person, grades obtained in some university course, and the age at which professional MMA fighters quit fighting in competitions, are all random variables following a Normal distribution. If some random variable follows a distribution called we write , where denotes any extra information needed to specify the distribution. As you may have encountered before, a normal distribution is specified using two parameters: the mean of the distribution () and its standard deviation (). This means that when we know - or assume - our data is normally distributed, we only need to find two parameter values to specify the entire distribution. This gives rise to a typical machine learning scenario: we are interested in describing the distribution of some random event using a distribution we choose, we collect data of that event, and then need to estimate the parameters that specify the exact distribution.
Poisson distribution
The distribution we will look at first is the Poisson distribution. To specify a Poisson distribution, we need one parameter called the ‘rate’ of the distribution. We write to denote that random variable follows a Poisson distribution with rate parameter . Below you see the probability mass function of , but you can change the rate parameter through the slider to expolere how the distriburtion depends on the paramter:
The pmf of the Poisson is given by:
Exercise Show that this is indeed a pmf, i.e. each outcome has a probability greater than or equal to and all outcomes sum up to . Explain how to choice of does affect the shape of the distributions, but not the fact that they are distributions.
Poisson distribution are very common, especially when describing how often some event occurs per unit of time, as seen in the examples above. If we now know the which describes the Poisson distribution of the process we care about, then we can tell how likely all the different outcomes of the experiment are. That is, we could then assess how likely is it that for instance our website gets more than 10,000 visitors per hour, which could help us decide whether or not it should be moved to a bigger server.
That’s not all. Since we have a clean formula for the pmf, we can also reason about Poissons in general. For example, the mean of a Poisson dustribution is always , and the mode (i.e. highest value) is always , among other things. Here, is the ‘floor function’, simply around down the input to the nearest integer. The statements means that we can also answer basic questions about our distribution, such as that on average we expect visits on our site per hour. It might therefore also not come as a surprise that a common estimate for the parameter - the so-called MLE estimate which we be covered in the next theory page - is actually given by the mean of the data. That is, following a certain principle (MLE) one would estimate to be the mean of all observations.
Summary In this theory page, you have learned about the independence of random variables.