Two matrices are similar if and only if they have the same reduced row echelon form.

This means that you can verify in MATLAB similarity of matrices by checking with the function rref that they have the same reduced row echelon form.

> library(pracma)
> A <- matrix(c(4, 2, -2, 1), nrow=2); A
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    4   -2
[2,]    2    1
> B <- matrix(c(3, 1, -2, 2), nrow=2); B
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    3   -2
[2,]    1    2
> rref(A) == rref(B)
     [,1] [,2]
> all.equal(rref(A), rref(B))
[1] TRUE
> T <- matrix(c(1, 1, -1, 0), nrow=2); T  # appropriate transformation matrix
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1   -1
[2,]    1    0
> inv(T) %*% A %*% T   # T^(-1)*A*T is equal to matrix B
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    3   -2
[2,]    1    2
> S <- matrix(c(1, 0, 1, 2), nrow=2); S  # transformation matrices are not unique
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    1
[2,]    0    2
> B - inv(S) %*% A %*% S
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    0    0
[2,]    0    0
> P <- S %*% inv(T);  P  # nontrivial transformation matrix that leaves A intact
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]   -1    2
[2,]   -2    2
> A - inv(P) %*% A %*% P
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    0    0
[2,]    0    0
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