Doing mathematics with R: Differential equations in R
Stability analysis of an autonomous first-order differential equation
The phaseR
package includes the functions stability
and phasePortrait
to determine the stability of an equilibrium in an autonomous first-order differential equation and to construct a phase portrait. But what is called phase portrait in this package, is also referred to as phase line in the literature. We illustrate the use of the phaseR
package with the differential equation
This differential equation has an attracting equilibrium and a repelling equilibrium . This is confirmed through the R script below. The phase line is also drawn. We refer to the phaseR manual for more details about the different options in the
and phasePortrait
library(phaseR) model <- function(time, initialstate, parameters){ with(as.list(c(initialstate, parameters)), { dydt <- r*y*(1-y/K) return(list(dydt)) }) } params <- c(r = 1, K = 2) cat("\nStability y = 0:\n") stability(model, ystar = 0, parameters = params, system = "one.dim", state.names = c("y")) cat("\n\nStability y = 2:\n") stability(model, ystar = 2, parameters = params, system = "one.dim", state.names = c("y")) phasePortrait(model, ylim = c(-1,3), ystep = 0.01, parameters = params, state.names = c("y"), points = 11, frac = 0.5, arrow.head = 0.1, col = "blue", lwd = "2", xlab = "t", ylab = "y", main = "phase line of dy/dt = y*(1-y/2)", add.grid = TRUE)
In the console windows appears then
Stability y = 0:
Discriminant: 1 Classification: Unstable
Stability y = 2:
Discriminant: -1 Classification: Stable
and the following diagram is plotted:
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