Basic skills in R: Working with functions
Function shortlist
The function shortlist below is far from complete because R has more to offer, but it lists the functions discussed in this Beginner's Guide to R.
RStudio - General
Control structures
RStudio - General
- setwd(dir=...)
- getwd()
- instal.packages()
- library()
- vignette()
- rm()
- read.table(file=…, header=…, sep=…, dec=…)
- write.table(…, file=…, sep=…, quote=…, append=…, na=…)
- with(…, expr=…)
- pfd(file=…)
- help()
<- | assign values on the right to the variable on the left |
= | same, as used for input arguments in functions |
== | is equal to |
< | less than |
> | greater than |
<= | less or equal to |
>= | greater than of equal to |
() |
use to specify arguments for functions or conditions for control structures |
use as mathematical operator to prioritize code to run: 2+3*5 = 17, (2+3)*5 = 25 | |
[] |
use to specify indices of variables. In variables with two dimensions (matrix/data.frame) row and column indices are separated by a comma: [row_index, column_index] |
{} | use in control structures to specify the code run by the control structure |
$ | use to specify a variable (column) in a data frame by name |
Control structures
if (condition == TRUE) {
#do this
} else {
#do that
for (i in vector) {
#do this for length(vector) times, with the value of vector[loop_iteration] stored in i
while (condition == TRUE){
#do this until condition == FALSE
function (argument) {Creating variables
do something
- c()
- paste(…, sep=…)
- vector(mode=…, length=…)
- rep(…, each=…) OR rep(..., times=...)
- seq(from=..., to=..., by=...)
- factor(…, levels=…, labels=…)
- array(…, dim=…)
- matrix(…, nrow=…, ncol=…, byrow=….)
- list()
- data.frame()
- rnorm()
- runif()
- as.character()
- as.double()
- as.integer()
- as.logical()
- as.factor()
- as.Date(…, format=…)
- class()
- typeof()
- is.character()
- is.double()
- is.integer()
- is.logical()
- is.factor()
- is.numeric()
- length()
- dim()
- nrow()
- ncol()
- table()
- head()
- tail()
- names()
- str()
- unique()
- summary()
- cbind()
- rbind()
- order(…, decreasing=…)
- merge(x=…, y=…, by=…, all=…)
- rowSums()
- colSums()
- sample()
- sum(…, na.rm=…)
- mean(…, na.rm=…)
- max(…, na.rm=…)
- min(…, na.rm=…)
- median(…, na.rm=…)
- var(…, na.rm=…)
- sd(…, na.rm=…)
- sqrt()
- log()
- exp()
- abs()
- round()
- par(las=…, bg=…, mar=…, oma=…, mfrow=…, mfcol=…, add=…, cex=…)
- plot.window(xlim=…, ylim=…)
- windows(width=…, height=…) OR quartz(width=…, height=…)
- plot(x=…, y=…, type=…, pch=…., lty=…, lwd=…, col=…, xlab=…, ylab=…, main=…)
- barplot()
- hist()
- boxplot(y~x, data=…)
- points()
- lines()
- abline()
- segments()
- arrows()
- rect()
- polygon()
- text()
- colors()
- title()
- mtext()
- axis()
- box()
- %*%
- t()
- diag()
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