Basic skills in R: Your first calculations with R
A very warm welcome!
Do you remember the importance of learning R (from the introductory chapter)? R is an incredibly powerful tool for data analysis, statistics, and data visualization. You will need it as a scientist to examine the data you collect and to communicate what you found in your research with other researchers.
Knowing how to work in R is also important for collaboration with other scientists, because R also happens to be a popular computer language in various scientific fields. People you will collaborate with (now or in the future) may use R.
Your energy spent on learning this, is well-spent energy!
In this chapter we will learn some basic skills in R. Whether you have already some experience with programming or not, you will become more and more proficient in the R language as you progress through this chapter.
Remember, the key to mastering any programming language lies in practice, so let's dive in and begin learning.
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