1. Descriptive Statistics: Frequency Distributions
Frequency Distribution Tables
Frequency measures
The absolute frequency of a score is the number of times that particular score occurs in the dataset and is denoted by lowercase .
The relative frequency of a score is the absolute frequency of that score divided by the total number of scores in the dataset and is denoted .
To transform a relative frequency into a percent frequency, multiply the relative frequency by . Percent frequencies are denoted .
Consider the following set of scores:
The table belows displays the absolute, relative, and percent frequency of each score in the set.
Cumulative frequency measures
The cumulative frequency of a score is the number of scores that have a value at or below the score in question and is denoted .
The cumulative relative frequency is the proportion of scores that have a value less than or equal to the score in question and is denoted .
The cumulative percent frequency is the percentage of scores that have a value less than or equal to the score in question and is denoted .
Consider the following set of scores:
The table belows displays the absolute, cumulative, cumulative relative, and cumulative percent frequency of each score in the set.