1. Descriptive Statistics: Frequency Distributions
Frequency Distribution Graphs
Besides displaying a frequency distribution as a table, it also possible to represent a frequency distribution visually with the use of graphs such as bar charts, histograms, and ogives.
Bar chart
A bar chart is used to display the frequencies of qualitative data.
The height of the bars corresponds to the observed frequency of each measurement category.
A histogram is used to display the frequencies of quantitative data.
Similar to bar charts, the height of the bars corresponds to the observed frequency of each measurement category.
A histogram displays the frequency of measurements falling into each of several adjacent bins (intervals), all of the same width. The width of the bins determines the amount of detail visible in the distribution of frequencies.
The graph of a cumulative frequency distribution is called an ogive.
The measurement categories are listed along the X-axis, and either the cumulative frequency, cumulative relative frequency, or cumulative percent frequency is listed along the Y-axis.