3. Probability: Randomness
Sets, Subsets and Elements
Before introducing the concept of randomness, it is important to define the terms set, element, and subset.
Sets and Elements
A set is a collection of distinct objects, considered as an object in its own right. An object can be anything from a number, a letter, a set or a combination of these.
The distinct objects in a set are called the elements of that set.
For example, the numbers , and are distinct objects when considered separately. But when they are considered collectively, they form a single set with three elements, written as .
Sets of elements are often depicted with the use of a Venn Diagram. Sets are usually given a name (e.g. ) and are depicted as a circle. The elements of the set (e.g. ) are then put within the circle. The Venn Diagram below corresponds to the set .
The set is a subset of if is contained inside of . That is, all elements of are also elements of .
Subsets are displayed in a Venn diagram as a circle within a circle. The image below shows the set and its subset .