4. Probability Distributions: Random Variables
Sums of Random Variables
Sum of Independent Random Variables
Suppose two independent random variables and are added to give a new variable . Then their sum is also a random variable, with the following expected value and variance:
If, in contrast, and are subtracted, then the expected value and variance new variable are
If a random variable is multiplied with a constant , the resulting variable has the following properties.
To calculate , make use of the following properties:
- If , then .
- If , then .
Applying these properties to , we get:
Sum of Dependent Random Variables
Suppose two dependent random variables and are added to give a new variable . Then their sum is also a random variable, with the following expected value and variance:
If, in contrast, and are subtracted, then the expected value and variance new variable are
The above behaviour follows form the general rule for adding variablels and multiplied by respectively constants and to give a new variable :