6. Parameter Estimation and Confidence Intervals: Estimation
Constructing a 95% Confidence Interval for the Population Mean
To construct a confidence interval for the population mean we will need to make use of the sampling distribution of the sample mean.
For the purpose of this example, let's assume that the conditions for normality have been met and the sample mean (approximately) has the distribution.
Constructing a 95% Confidence Interval for the Population Mean
Let be the standardized version of , that is:
Then has the Standard Normal Distribution, that is .
It can be shown that the middle of the Standard Normal Distribution falls between and :
Substitituting with gives:
With the help of a little algebra, this can be rewritten as:
This result is mathematically equivalent to:
In words, there is a probability that we will draw a random sample such that the interval
will contain the true value of the population mean .
After the sample is drawn and the values of lower bound and the upper bound are computed, the interval is called a confidence interval for .
The expression is called the margin of error, while is called the confidence level.