Calculating with numbers: Calculating with powers and roots
The cube root of an integer
Every root that has been discussed so far was an example of a square root. There also exst higher roots>
We start with a special case, namely the cube root. Unlike a square root, you may take the cube root of a negative number.
The cube root
The cube root of a number is by definition the number such that . Notation: and .
The calculation rules for cube roots resemble those of square roots.
For any integer we have: and
For any integers and we have:
Quotient rule of cube roots
The cube root of a fraction with integers in the numerator and the denominator is equals to the quotient of the cube root of the numerator and the cube root of the denominator.
In formula language we have for integers and \(n):
in indeed
These rules can be used to simplify cube roots.
An irreducible cube root and the standard form of a cube root The cube root of a natural number greater than one, say , is called irreducible if has no cube number (i.e., a third power of a natural number) greater than 1 as divisor. Thus, and are irreducible cube roots, but is not irreducible, because The final expression we usually write shorter as .
Each cube root of an integer not equal to 0 can be written in standard form, i.e., as an integer or as the product of an integer and an irreducible cube root.
The expression for integers and is in standard form if there exist no cube number greater than 1 that divides .
You can find the standard form by 'extracting all third powers from the root'. The example below illustrate this.