Solving equations and inequalities: Quadratic equations
Solution of simple quadratic equations
A quadratic equation has 0, 1, or 2 solutions. We give an example for each of the three cases .
Example: no solutions The equation has no real solutions. Because a square is always greater than or equal to , the left-hand side is for each choice of greater than or equal to .
Example: one solution The equation has exactly one solution. Because the left-hand side of the equation can be written as and this square can only be equal to if , there is only one solution, namely .
Example: two solutions The equation has two solutions, namely of .
The last example can also be understood as follows: the left-hand side of the equation, that is, , can be written as and this product can only be equal to if one of the terms in the product is equal to . So or , that is, or .
We have applied the following general rule.
In formal mathematical language, this rule is:
When a quadratic equation is in factored form you can easily read of the solutions. We give another example.
Example: a x² +b x = 0 Let and be real numbers with .
In this section we will discuss three methods to determine the solutions of a quadratic equation:
- Completing the square
- Factorisation by inspection
- The quadratic formula
But before we are going to do this we look first at another simple quadratic equation, namely of the form with a given number . The number of solutions of this equation depends on the sign of .
Example: x² = c
Two solutions
If , then the equation
One solution
If , then the equation
The parabola and the horizontal line have one common point, namely .
No solution
If , then the equation
The parabola and the horizontal line do not intersect
Mathcentre video
Solving Quadratic Equations (50:19)