Infinite series: Introduction
Minima, maxima, infima and suprema
For sets we define the maximum and minimum as follows:
The maximum of is an element such that for all .
The minimum of is an element such that for all .
You can show any has at most one maximum and one minimum. However, not every subset has a maximum or minimum.
The open interval
In the example we saw that is not the minimum of this set because is not an element of . Similarly not the maximum of . To express the special role of and we introduce the concepts of infimum and supremum.
A number is a lower bound for if for all .
A number is an upper bound for if for all .
The infimum of a bounded set is the greatest lower bound of .
The supremum of a bounded set of is the least upper bound of .
Returning to our example, we see that these values actually do exist.
We have and .
In the definitions of the infimum and supremum we assume that is a limited collection. If is unbounded from above we write and when contains arbitrarily small elements we write . These conventions make sure that the infimum and supremum of a subset of always exist. One can think of the infimum as some kind of minimum that does not need to be inside the set itself. Similarly, one can think of the supremum as some kind of maximum is not necessarily an element of the set.
We conclude this section with a few examples.
For we have and .
For it holds that and . There is no minimum.
For we have and . Because there is no maximum.