Naive set theory: Elementary notions and notations
Specification of a set
We do not provide definitions of sets and their objects, nor do we discuss axioms. Instead, we work with an intuitive description and primarily try to give a good impression of what we are talking about through examples.
Intuitive definition of a set
Intuitive definition
A set can be viewed as a collection of objects such that you can unambiguously
- determine whether each object belongs to that collection or not;
- identify each object. This means you can check when two objects are equal to each other and thus are in fact the same object.
A finite set is a set that contains only a finite number of elements. We denote the number of elements of the finite set \(X\) with \(\# X\) and \(|X|\). This is called the cardinality of \(X\).
- Odd numbers less than 10;
- Place-names in the Netherlands;
- Vowels in the Dutch alphabet;
- Fibonacci numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ...);
- The set consisting of all sets that can be constructed with the objects \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\), including the empty set;
- The real numbers.
If \(X=\{a,b\}\) then \(\hash X=|X|=2\).
Explicit specification and notation
Explicit specification (enumeration) and notation
We usually denote sets with uppercase letters \(A, B, C,\ldots\) and use lowercase letters \(a, b, c,\ldots\) to refer to the objects, also called elements, in the set.
When we explicitly specify (or enumerate) a set by listing the elements, we use curly brackets. The order in which we group the objects does not matter.
The empty set is denoted by \(\emptyset\) or \(\{\}\).
If \(x\) is an element of the set \(X\), we denote this as \(x\in X\). If \(x\) is not an element of the set \(X\), we denote this as \(x\notin X\).
\(\{1,3,5,7,9\}\) is the set of odd numbers less than 10. \[\{1,2,3\}=\{3,2,1\}\] \[4\in \{2,4,6\}\] \[\text{Corneel}\notin \{\text{Jan}, \text{Piet}, \text{Joris}\}\] \[a\in \{a\}\] \[a \notin \bigl\{\{a\}, \{b\}, \{a,b\}\bigr\}\] \[\{1,1,2\}=\{1,2\}\]
Implicit specification and notation
Implicit specification (description, construction)
An explicit specification of a set is inconvenient when the number of elements is large or infinite, or when it obscures the structure of a set. In this case, you better use an implicit specification by stating a defining property. Two common notations are: \[X=\{x\mid P(x)\}\text,\] which indicates that all \(x\)'s for which \(P(x)\) holds are elements of the set \(X\).
Before you can explore whether \(P(x)\) hold for a particular \(x\), you must first be able to choose an object \(x\). To do this, we assume another set, which we call the universe and sometimes denote by the letter \(U\). You can (implicitly) mention the universe in the property or place it before the separator \[X=\{x\in U\mid P(x)\}\text.\]
You can also use a constructive specification using a function \(f\) : \[X=\{f(x)\mid P(x)\}\text,\] denotes the set of function values \(f(x)\) for those values of \(x\) for which \(P(x)\) holds.
\[\{n \mid n=1\text{ of }n=2\}= \{0,1\}\] \[\{n\in\mathbb{N} \mid 0\le n\le 1\}= \{0,1\}\] \[\{n\in\mathbb{N} \mid n \text{ number divisible by }2\}\] \[{}= \text{even natural numbers}\\\] \[\{n^2\mid n\in\mathbb{Z}\}={}\] \[\text{all squares of whole numbers}\\\] \[\bigl\{n^3\mid n\in\{0,1,2,3,4,5\}\bigl\}\] \[{}=\{0,1,8,27,64,125\}\phantom{xxxxx}\,\,\] \[{}=\text{first 6 third powers in }\mathbb{N}\\\] \[\{10n\mid n\in\mathbb{N}\text{ and } -10<n<10\}\] \[{}=\text{tens between }-100\text{ and }100\\\] \[\{n \mid n\neq n\}= \emptyset\]