Naive set theory: Elementary notions and notations
Equal set, subset, and power set
Equality and inequality of sets
Equality / Inequality
Equality of two sets \(A\) and \(B\), denoted as \(A=B\), means that they have the same elements. This means that every element of \(A\) is also an element of \(B\) and vice versa.
Inequality of two sets \(A\) and \(B\), i.e., not being equal to each other, is denoted as \(A\neq B\).
\[\{a,b,b\}=\{a,b\}=\{b,a\}\] \[\{n\in\mathbb{N}\mid n^2<10\}\]\[
{}=\{n\in\mathbb{N}\mid n\le 3\}\]\[{}=\{0,1,2,3\}\phantom{xxxxx}\!\] \[\{a\}\neq\bigl\{\{a\}\bigr\}\]
A set \(A\) is a subset of a set \(B\) if every element of \(A\) also belongs to \(B\). We denote this as \(A\subset B\). The notation \(A\subseteq B\) is sometimes used to indicate that the sets can be equal. But where \(\lt\) symbolizes "strictly less than" and \(\le\) symbolizes "less than or equal to," the notations \(\subset\) and \(\subseteq\) refer to the same notion of inclusion, namely "is a subset of." If \(A\subset B\) but \(A\neq B\), we denote this as \(A\subsetneq B\) and call it a proper subset.
If \(A\) is not a subset of \(B\), we denote this as \(A\not\subset B\).
\[\mathbb{N}\subset\mathbb{Z}\] \[\{1\}\subset\{1,2\}\] \[\{1\}\subsetneq\{1,2\}\] \[\{1,2\}\subset\{2,1\}\] \[\{1,2\}\subsetneq\{n\in\mathbb{N}\mid n<4\}\] \[\emptyset\subset\{1,2\}\] \[\emptyset\subset\emptyset\] \[\{a,b,c\}\not\subset\{a,b,d\}\]
For all sets \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\):
- \(\emptyset\subset A\).
- \(A\subset A\).
- \(A=B\text{ if and only if } A\subset B\text{ and }B\subset A\).
- If \(A\subset B\) and \(B\subset C\), then \(A\subset C\).
Power set
Power set
According to our naive set theory, \({\Large\wp}(X)\) is a set and for all \(x\), it holds that \(x\in {\Large\wp}(X)\) if and only if \(x\subset X\). In the form of a formula: \[{\Large\wp}(X)=\{Y\mid Y\subset X\}\]
\[{\Large\wp}(\emptyset)=\{\emptyset\}\] \[{\Large\wp}\bigl(\{a\}\bigr)=\bigl\{\emptyset, \{a\}\bigr\}\] \[{\Large\wp}\bigl(\{a,b\}\bigr)=\bigl\{\emptyset, \{a\}, \{b\}, \{a,b\}\bigr\}\] \[{\Large\wp}\bigl(\{a,b,c\}\bigr)=\bigl\{\emptyset, \{a\}, \{b\}, \{c\}, \\ \phantom{xxx}\{a,b\}, \{a,c\}, \{b,c\}, \{a,b,c\}\bigr\}\]
- If \(A\subset B\), then \({\Large\wp}(A)\subset {\Large\wp}(B)\).
- If \({\Large\wp}(A)\subset {\Large\wp}(B)\), then \(A\subset B\).
- If \({\Large\wp}(A)= {\Large\wp}(B)\), then \(A=B\).